One question, Mr. Mayor. What in the he** do you think these protestors wish to replace capitalism with, hmmm? This country was not founded on a principle of equality of outcome. It was founded on the principle of freedom and individual liberty. The founding fathers knew, far better than you or these idiots at Westlake park or on Wall Street, that man has the God-given right to pursue whatever path of endeavor he/she chooses without interference from a centrally controlled bureaucracy. The malcontents at Westlake Park and Wall Street want a livelihood GIVEN to them with no strings attached and with no contribution required of them to society. “Income Equality”???? Puhlease!! What Marxist crap. Who do you think fuels the engine of the economy?? If your answer is “government”, you are just another Keynesian fool. The simple fact that you are standing up for what these clowns are screaming about illustrates how out of depth you are as an “elected” office holder.